Topic: Understanding Love
Speaker: Rev. Wesley McClain
Wives want their husbands to listen. Husbands and wives should not keep score cards. Love even if don't get respect and respect even if don't get love. Love and respect without fear. Don't take things into your own hands, wait on the Lord (be patient). A lot of problems are caused by being impatient. GOD's will is that we love and respect each other unconditionally. Do everything as unto the Lord (not your boss, spouse, friend, etc.). Pay back hate with love. 1 Peter 3:6, John 16:7-8, Matthew 10:36, Matthew 5:46, Ephesians 6:7-8, 1 Peter 3:9, Ephesians 5:22-23, Matthew 25:21, 1 Corinthians 4:5,
April 3rd 2024
First United Pentecostal Church of Augusta GA
To fulfill the mission of Christ on Earth, Seeking and Saving that which is Lost. The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.