The Evidence of Jesus-Part 1

Topic: Evidence of Jesus

Speaker: Rev. Glen Kansanback


We are like doubting Thomas and want evidence of Jesus. Some say to just believe in Jesus but HE gave us evidence. Some think the great flood and Noah's ark are a myth but there is evidence of a great flood in geologic record. There is also eye witness evidence of th ark in Mount Ararat. A secular documentary on Noah's ark increased Glen's faith so needed to do something about it. Glen believed that if Noah's ark is real then the whole Bible is real so need to get on the narrow path to Heaven but didn't know what to do next. Glen gets a call from someone who raises domesticated pigeons who happens to be a Pentecostal Pastor who explains Baptism, Holy Ghost, tongues, worshiping in spirit, praying in the spirit, etc. Jesus put someone in Glen's life just when he needed it. Not a coincidence. Draw near to Jesus and He will draw near to you. Matthew 7:13-14, John 20:29

July 19th 2023


First United Pentecostal Church of Augusta GA

To fulfill the mission of Christ on Earth, Seeking and Saving that which is Lost. The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.