Topic: Evidence of Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Glen Kansanback
Few find narrow path to Jesus but have to stay on path despite what the World throws at you. GOD's WORD is the Bible and is TRUE. Find evidence of events in Bible like the Great Flood. Have to keep seeking the TRUTH regardless of your age. Why do humans fight so hard to get off the path to Jesus. The Bible explains creation better than evolution. Evolutionists can't explain the caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis or how bumble bee flies. Doctors can't explain some people's healings after being anointed and prayed for. Matthew 7:13-14, Luke 17:5-6, Acts 2:38, Mark 16:17-18, Hebrews 13:2
July 26th 2023
First United Pentecostal Church of Augusta GA
To fulfill the mission of Christ on Earth, Seeking and Saving that which is Lost. The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.